How the skin Ages:
There is a difference between biological ageing and chronological ageing which is affected by how we live and environmental damage.
Contributors to Ageing:
25% - Genetics
75% - How you live / environmental damage
As we age, the collagen and elastin fibres break, thicken, stiffen, clump together, and lose their elasticity. This results in wrinkles and age lines. The skin becomes dryer as oil production slows.
Accelerators of Ageing Skin:
- UV Sun Damage – UV sun damage is the #1 cause of premature ageing and damage to the skin
- Life Style Stressors - Smoking and excessive alcohol
- Emotional & Mental Stress
- Poor Diet - Processed, deep-fried foods
- Dehydration & low fats
- Chronic Inflammation
- Immobility (lack of exercise)
- Genetics
In-clinic Skin Treatments:
- LED treatments to stimulate collagen & elastin, calm inflammation & strengthen skin
- Customised, in-clinic masks to deeply nourish and hydrate the skin
- A course of Skin Needling - the most effective anti-aging treatment to plump, tighten & refine the skin
- IPL – Photo Rejuvenation treatment
- Naturopathic Care - Support your internal health and any imbalances in the body
- Prescribed Home Care – Feeding your skin the correct nutrients, actives & antioxidants.
- UV Protection – SPF both cream-based and Zinc powder ( Jane Iredale)
What to include:
- Actives & Antioxidants - serums: Vitamins A, B, C, E, D-Panthenol, Green Tea, Boswellia & Co-Q10
- Regular Skin Treatments - both in-clinic & at home
- Healthy Lifestyle - how your lifestyle affects how you age
- Rest - to decrease chronic inflammation: rest, meditate, take time to have fun
- Exercise - move your body & get your circulatory system moving
- Nutrient-Dense Diet- Wild-caught fish, grass-fed meat & plenty of colourful vegetables & fruits
- Hydration - Two-three litres of water per day supports cells to function
- Collagen Powder
What to avoid:
- Sugars & Dairy (especially refined sugars ) – increases inflammation & oxidative stress (cellular damage)
- Processed & Refined food – hard to digest
- Over exfoliating – compromises skin barrier & function
- Stripping – avoid products & make-up that have alcohol, chemicals & harsh ingredients that strip or clog the skin
- Excess Stress – increases inflammation
- Decrease alcohol consumption (especially wine)