What is it?
Acne occurs when a mixture of oil and dead skin cells form a plug that blocks the skin’s hair follicles and pores. This provides the perfect breeding ground for bacteria that causes inflammation, redness, swelling, and tenderness of the surrounding skin. Acne affects 85% of Australians from 15-24yrs old
Types of Acne
Differs in severity and depth of the infection, therefore influencing the amount of inflammation present: Comedomal, Papular, Pustular, Nodular, Acne, Rosacea
Causes & Triggers of Acne:
- Hormones – An increase in androgen hormones (puberty, menstruation, pregnancy)
- Skin Products & Make-up – With ingredients that clog the pores of the skin
- Sluggish Liver or Bowel – Reabsorption of toxins in the body that are excreted through the skin
- Digestive imbalances & poor function – Essential nutrients not feeding the skin cells
In-clinic Skin Treatments:
- Customised In-clinic Masks
- Skin Needling (once the skin is prepared)
- IPL Acne Laser Treatment
- Naturopathic Care - Identifying the underlying cause of the ACNE and treat any dysbiosis in the gut
- Prescribed Home Care – Feeding your skin vitamins and managing bacteria daily as well as weekly home treatments are key.
- Protecting the skin – SPF, both cream-based and zinc powder ( Jane Iredale)
- LED treatments to strengthen the skin and kill bacteria
Foods to Include:
- Lean, grass-fed beef, lamb, and organic chicken
- Wild-caught fish, twice a week.
- Plenty of colourful vegetables & fruits
- Garlic - only IF your gut can process it
- Two-three litres of water per day
- Vitamin supplements A, E, C, D, Zinc, and B complex
What to avoid:
- Sugars (especially refined) – increases inflammation
- Dairy - including whey and casein which are often in protein powders
- Foods high in GI – replacing processed foods with nutrient-dense fruit and vegetables
- Processed & Refined food – hard to digest
- Over exfoliating – triggers the skin to produce more oil & compromises skin barrier
- Stripping – avoid products that have alcohol, chemicals and harsh ingredients that strip the barrier
- Conventional Make-up & Moisturiser – containing silicone, fillers, parabens, etc that block the pores, increasing bacteria growth
- Picking or squeezing breakouts/lesions – spreads the bacteria and leads to scarring
- Excess stress – increases cortisol hormone which increases inflammation and oil production, exacerbating acne