Post Care for IPL / Vascular Treatments

Woman Face Skin Vascular Stars Couperose Woman Face Skin Vascular Stars Couperose 151725830




2 weeks before and 2 weeks after:

  • Sunbathing is NOT advised as this can cause adverse effects such as hyperpigmentation.

24-48 hours after IPL or until redness has completely resolved, avoid:

  • Applying cosmetics on treated areas.
  • Swimming, especially in pools with chemical/chlorine "Hot tub”s and jacuzzis.
  • Activities that cause excessive perspiration.
  • Avoid sun exposure to treated areas.
  • Sweating excessively.
  • Exposing the treated area(s) to the sun.


24-48 hrs after IPL:

  • Mild sunburn-like sensation is expected. It usually lasts 2 to 24 hours but can persist up to 72 hours. Mild swelling and/or redness may accompany this, which usually resolves in 2 to 3 days. This can be treated with cold packs
  • Apply cool / ice compress to treatment areas for 10 to15 minutes every hour for the next 4 hours, as needed, to reduce discomfort and heat sensation.
  • Apply soothing, hydrating lotions, like aloe vera, on the treated area.
  • The vessels undergo immediate greying or blanching. In some cases, only a slight purplish change is noted. Vessels either fully or partially resolve in about 10 to 14 days and areas of diffuse flushing gradually fade leaving skin with normal appearance.
  • Do not pick, scratch or remove scabs as this will cause unwanted side effects.
  • Apply a sunscreen with SPF 30+ daily to sun exposed skin, AND REAPPLY AS DIRECTED BY PRODUCT INSTRUCTIONS.
  • Contact the salon if any pain, redness, burning is still present after 24 hours.

** PROTECT, PROTECT, PROTECT your skin from UV damage in ALL seasons by wearing SPF and/or Jane Iredale powder and a hat and avoid excess sun exposure